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What is Backlinks?

What is Backlinks?

What is Backlinks?

What is Backlink and How to Build Quality Backlink?

What is Backlink and How to Build Quality Backlink will have a lot of doubt in mind? So today we will talk about him In order to make your blog successful, bloggers learn something new every day, so that if they do something new, their blog will gradually become muscular in their blog. And all the people of the world will be able to access their blog. There are many ways to create your blog, SEO is one of those which you can use to share your knowledge with people around the world. When it comes to SEO, then the most important thing is to think about everything that comes in mind and it is a backlink.

Those who are already in the field of blogging know about backlinks and who are new to this field and are starting their own new blog, it is very important for them to know about it. So today I'm going to tell you about backlinks, what's the backlink, how to make and how many types are it? Which will help to bring your blog to the high ranking on Google page?

What is Backlink - What is Backlink in SEO?

A backlink is a link that makes it a website to go from another website to your website. When a link to a web page is linked to the link of another web page, we are called backlink. With simplicity in language, you can tell you better about backlinks. Let's say that there are some good websites where many visitors come to read articles in their page, if the link to your site is given in that web page, then visitors to that page will be able to click on your site link and click on your web page. Also, visitors to your site will continue to grow every day and your website will start coming in a good search engine. This is what we want to backlink.

You must have understood what the backlink is. Now you have some words related to it that you need to know about it very much then you will be able to understand it better and use it in your blog. So let's know about those terms

1) Link Juice: When a link to a web page is linked to any of your articles from the website or linked to your homepage, link flow from there goes to your website, we link juice. This link juice helps you rank your article and also improves your domain authority.

2) Low-quality links: Low-quality links are links that are coming to your website from any of the wrong sites, spam sites, or porn sites. Such links can only cause damage to your website, so whenever you are using backlink in your blog, keep this in mind that link to your blog should be linked to the high-quality link.

3) High-quality links: High-quality backlinks come from a quality website. quality websites are those that are popular and have more value in Google. If your website also receives a backlink from the quality website then your website will get a high ranking in the search engine. In quality backlink, you have to be careful about the thing that you get a backlink from authoritative and relevant sites. This means that the niche you have created on your blog will have to get the backlink along with the other blog related to the same niche. Let's say that if your blog is above technology, then you have to get a backlink from another blog related to technology and link to any other fashion related blog, then you will not have any fame.

4) Internal links: These are links which go from one page of your website to another page, we call it internal links. Let's assume that an article from your website is on a very good rank in Google's page and if you want to bring your second article to a good rank on google, you can link the two articles with each other. So far we know what the backlink is? And we also know about some terms related to it. Now we know how many types of backlinks are there.

Types of Backlinks?


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